- 渡り廊下が揺れて怖い…
- 大きく張り出したひさしが揺れて怖い…
- 人が歩くたびに床が揺れて仕事に集中できない…
- 階段が揺れて不快…
- 別階のフィットネスの振動が伝わり観劇に集中できない…
- 車が通るたびに揺れて綺麗な写真が撮れない…
- 交通振動が伝わり、精密な治療ができない…
- 地震でサーバーが壊れないか不安…
- 地震で医療機器が停止しないか不安…
- 貴重な美術品が地震で壊れないか心配…
- 地震による重要機器の故障や事業維持が心配…
- 振動問題のある個所に設置することで、錘の反力によって揺れを抑えます。
- 歩行や設備機器などの気になる振動から地震のような大きな振動まで効果を発揮します。
- 建屋小梁とTMDベース部とをボルト接合して設置します。建屋の構造変更をせず、床裏に隠れるのでデザイン性も損ないません。
- TMDの製品ページ
- 大きく張り出した庇もデザイン性そのままで地震対策出来ます!
- Reduces unpleasant vibrations in crossing corridors!
- Realizes a comfortable office environment! Prevents walking vibration on long-span floors
- Avoid vibration problems caused by multiple people exercising in a fitness studio!
- Concerned about floor shaking caused by operating vacuum pumps! Improve the working environment of your factory
- Reduces unwanted swaying! Cantilevered Floor Walking Vibration Countermeasures
Introduction of TMD Series
This page explains the "features, principles, structure, installation examples, effects, etc." of Yacmo's TMDs, which can handle a wide range of vibration from small vibrations caused by walking to large shaking caused by wind and earthquakes. Read this to deepen your understanding of TMDs.
Resolving TMD Questions! Frequently Asked Questions Q&A
Frequently asked questions about TMD are summarized in a Q&A format. Please use it as a reference for product selection and countermeasures.
Points and weaknesses of TMD that you need to know in order to achieve optimal results.
TMD is often used as an effective floor sway countermeasure, but it does not work for all types of sway. This section explains the principles of TMD and provides an easy-to-understand explanation.
- OAフロア下に収まる超薄型設計です。
- 設置はパネル下に置くだけですので入居後の振動問題対策に最適です。
- 薄型なので階段の踏面の下や踊り場の下に設置できます。斜めに取り付けても効果を発揮します。
Introduction of TMD Series
This page explains the "features, principles, structure, installation examples, effects, etc." of Yacmo's TMDs, which can handle a wide range of vibration from small vibrations caused by walking to large shaking caused by wind and earthquakes. Read this to deepen your understanding of TMDs.
How to achieve both design and vibration control
Buildings are required to be not only comfortable but also well designed, but they tend to have long spans, no pillars, and other structures that are prone to vibration. This section introduces measures to reduce vibration while ensuring design quality.
Vibration control for existing buildings "after the fact
Increasingly, vibration problems are occurring later due to layout changes, changes in use, and new installation of equipment and machinery. However, the usual vibration control measures would require large-scale construction work. This section introduces the features and installation examples of Yacmo's vibration control system, which enables "after-the-fact" vibration control measures for existing buildings.
- モーター駆動で大推力なので、TMDに比べて小さなサイズで高い効果が得られます。
- オフィスの気になる床揺れから工場の大きな振動まで幅広くカバー
- コンパクトサイズなので空いたスペースに設置可能です。後から振動対策にピッタリです。
Introduction to AMD Series
This page introduces the features and installation examples of AMDs, which solve various vibration problems with power in a space-saving manner. We summarize the key points of AMD, which can deal with a wide range of unpleasant vibrations such as walking vibration, equipment-machine vibration, and vertical vibration at live performances, etc.
AMD Questions Resolved! Frequently Asked Questions Q&A -Floor Shaking Countermeasures
Frequently asked questions about TMD are summarized in a Q&A format. Please use it as a reference for product selection and countermeasures.
Vibration control for existing buildings "after the fact
Increasingly, vibration problems are occurring later due to layout changes, changes in use, and new installation of equipment and machinery. However, the usual vibration control measures would require large-scale construction work. This section introduces the features and installation examples of Yacmo's vibration control system, which enables "after-the-fact" vibration control measures for existing buildings.
- 様々な横揺れ対策が可能です。揺れを素早く抑えて、地震の後揺れにも効果を発揮します。
- 屋上や上階部に設置するだけなので、建物内部の空間を邪魔せず有効に活用することができます。
- 錘のサイズは数十トン~100トン以上で抑えたい揺れの対象によって変わります。
Introduction of Horizontal TMD
Features and installation examples of horizontal TMDs that reduce lateral sway from earthquakes, strong winds, and traffic vibrations are introduced.
Protecting Buildings and Occupants with "Earthquake Resistance + Vibration Damping
Seismic countermeasures alone may result in large interior shaking that may cause human casualties, or damage that may cause the building to not last long. The following is an easy-to-understand summary of common misconceptions about earthquake resistance and the advantages of combining earthquake resistance and vibration control.
Wind sway countermeasures for mid- and high-rise buildings increase occupant performance!
Wind sway can be a problem not only in skyscrapers but also in long, narrow mid-rise buildings that are built on narrow lots in urban areas. This section introduces the causes of wind sway in mid-rise buildings and examples of horizontal TMD installations that are effective as wind sway countermeasures.
- 円弧レールによって地震後に原位置へ自動復帰し、人的な復帰作業をせずに余震によるストローク不足の転倒を防ぎます。
- サーバーウテナはラックからはみ出さず省スペースで設置可能です。サーバーウテナの製品ページ
- メディカルウテナはステンレスカバー搭載で防滴・防サビ対策となっています。
- エンジェルウテナは厚さ50mmのコンパクトサイズ&シンプルデザインでスマートな展示が可能です。 エンジェルウテナの製品ページ
- 免震台とOAフロアが一体化された免震床で、通常の免震床と比べて低床化が可能となりました。
- 免震性能は搭載荷重に左右されません。
- 地震発生後、自然に原点に復帰します。
- 一品仕様の鉄骨梁がなく、低コストで短納期・短工期です。
Floor Utena
If you have any technical questions or would like to discuss costs, please contact us.