Human Resources Policy


Human Resources Policy ≪K to S ~From the individual to the organization~≫

We aim to create a corporate culture of mutual support.

  • Team Yacmo: We support each other's efforts to achieve maximum results while complementing each other's work as a team.
  • Climate of consideration for others: We support the foundation for co-creation by understanding diverse opinions and values and respecting each other's humanity.
  • Communication Activation: Supporting New Initiatives that Transcend Organizational Boundaries

We all aim to achieve high business performance.

  • Value-added improvement: We support each individual to perform higher value-added operations by promoting efficiency through business standardization and DXing.
  • Knowledge utilization: We promote information sharing and business knowledge acquisition by converting knowledge into data, and support the growth of each individual into a professional.

We aim to be a company with high employee engagement.

  • Clear evaluation criteria: By clarifying expected abilities and behaviors, we encourage voluntary and proactive actions and reward them according to their duties and achievements.
  • Life and Work Balance: We provide a fair and comfortable working environment that allows all employees to be autonomous in their activities.